The book, Having An E5 Marriage, is not a self-help book. Instead, it is a Bible study intended to deepen your relationship with Christ.
Deepening your relationship with Christ will have a direct impact on our interpersonal relationships. The question is how? How do we grow deeper in Christ? Paul in Ephesians 5 provides us with a model – Christ is our head, and we are to submit to Him. Then, Paul writes that this same model is to be used in our marriages. But, Paul also says, “This mystery is great.” Our guide for daily Christian living and relating to our spouses in marriage is outlined in Ephesians 5, but it’s all a “great mystery.” Well, that’s a lot of help!
The author explains the mystery of the husband’s sacrifice and wife’s submission through Revelation 2 and 3. This book is an expository Bible study of Ephesians 5:22-33. It is written to deepen your relationship with Christ. Your obedience to Christ will foster a better environment for harmony in marriage.