Anticipating the Return of Christ

Devotional Articles • Books • And More

Devotionals, Bible studies and posts to deepen our faith in Christ. Also check out our self-published books.

Forever Etched

As water moves, it etches its imprint on everything it touches. A waterfall carves into rock and earth. The beauty of places such as Antelope Canyon in Arizona was created by rushing, flowing water. Rushing, flowing water can also cause destruction, by removing earth...

Sabbath Observance

We would like to believe Jesus fulfilled (ended) Sabbath observance by what He did on the Sabbath. In response, the Pharisees cried foul, and breaking traditional Sabbath customs was one of the charges which led to Jesus' death sentence. But, before we can unpack...

Heavenly Rewards

Matthew 19:23-30 And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." 25...


It is in the evening on Christmas Day as I begin writing this article. The topic has been ruminating in my mind for several days now, and the experiences that follow have actually had a dampening effect on my enjoyment of the Christmas season. Let me step up onto my...


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Expository Bible study on Ephesians 5:22-33 on a Biblical marriage. Rather than a self-help resource, this book is aimed at deepening your relationship with Christ.

Catechism to help intentionally teach important concepts of Christianity to children and new believers. The focus is on tracing Christ throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

Devotional book for December 1st through December 25th. As we prepare our hearts during the traditional advent season, let us also prepare for the second coming of Christ.

Free e-book by an independent tax and financial professional. This booklet aims to assist individuals preparing for ministry and missions to honor God through finances.



R. Joseph Ritter, Jr. CFP® EA is an independent tax professional, financial planner and owner of Somerset Tax Partners LLC. He is the founder and president of Zacchaeus Financial Counseling, Inc., a non-profit organization serving the financial planning and financial counseling needs of lower and middle income households. Joe is also a consecrated Conference Deacon in the New South Conference of the Free Methodist Church USA. Joe received his Master’s Degree in World Mission and Evangelism from Asbury Theological Seminary. His non-profit leadership and Christian ministry includes such past positions as Pastor, Director of Outreach, volunteer Chaplain with Transport for Christ International, co-founder of Community Chaplains Association, and Financial Aid Director at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. He is the author of Having An E5 Marriage; 25 Days of Christmas Devotional; Jacob’s Testimony: A Catechism Teaching the Praises, Strength and Wondrous Works of the Lord; and You’re Called to the Ministry. Now What?

Joe has been married for over 20 years and has four children. He enjoys writing as a hobby … as well as carpentry and automotive mechanics.