by admin | Oct 20, 2013 | Following Christ, Trust
I recently saw a question on a friend’s Facebook page about the origins of Halloween, and I thought I would offer a few thoughts to provoke your thinking. The first is that, like Christmas, the church’s celebration of All Saints Day (which usually follows Halloween by...
by admin | Mar 18, 2013 | Following Christ
In Matthew 16 (and chapter 18) we find a verse that is easy to stumble over because it refers to some rather peculiar things we might think impossible. Matthew 16:19 says, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have...
by admin | Sep 13, 2012 | Following Christ, Love
Love is one of those words which is very difficult to define. The dictionary only scratches the surface in defining love by describing it as affection, an emotion or the object of attachment, devotion or admiration (Merriam-Webster). Love as a feeling or emotion is a...
by admin | Aug 5, 2012 | Following Christ, Power of God
“Daddy!” The voice startled me. It was after 10 o’clock at night, and I thought the kids were sound asleep. I turned to look from the kitchen and saw my daughter in the bathroom with a bloody nose. She inherited the family’s nose bleeds and actually has them quite...
by admin | Jun 14, 2012 | Following Christ, Marriage
Revelation 7:13-14 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “These who are clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come from?” I said to him, “My lord, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones who come...