by admin | Oct 1, 2014 | Following Christ, Marriage
Homosexuality is a divisive issue, particularly when it comes to the church. For the moment, let’s set aside the questions of whether the Bible is ambiguous on the practice of homosexuality and whether homosexuality is a gene designed by God and acceptable...
by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Following Christ, Parenting
In this post, we will consider how parental discipline is an expression of love … for child and God. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 “Nice” is not a word I like, but I have to admit it is easy to let it roll off my tongue. “Kind” and “love” are words I force...
by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Following Christ, Parenting
In this post, we will consider how parental discipline fulfills our parental accountability to Christ. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 If I am faithful to the Lord as a parent, I cannot be held responsible for their decision to reject the Lord. However, if I am...
by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Following Christ, Parenting
In this post, we will consider how parental discipline models Christ for our children. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 We as parents all have a duty to model the Lord to our children. Yes, we have a parental obligation to point them to Christ, but we also have a duty...
by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Following Christ, Parenting
In this post, we will consider how parental discipline points the child to Christ. Scripture reading: John 10:25-29 Parenting is tough. Of course, I was not a parent in the 1700s to know if things were any better then. With media demanding a huge chunk of our time,...
by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Following Christ, Uncategorized
Be careful in watching the cable television show Biblical Mysteries Explained. For that matter, be careful watching any television show purporting to “explain” matters of the Bible and Christianity. The television show has as its first priority to disprove divine...