Anticipating the Return of Christ

Devotional Articles • Books • And More

Dispensationalism Part 4

One of the very serious problems with a dispensationalist interpretation of Messianic prophecy is that a number of Isaiah’s prophecies are quoted in the New Testament either about Christ or about the mission of the church. In Matthew 3:3 and 4:14, for example, the...

Dispensationalism Part 3

This post became rather long, so it will be broken up into two parts. For many committed Christians, Isaiah’s prophecies of the coming Messiah culminate in Jesus Christ who fulfilled Old Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah. For the dispensationalists, however,...

Dispensationalism Part 2

A key underpinning of dispensationalism is a literal interpretation of the Bible such that Israel always means Israel and the church always means the church. With such a literal interpretation, dispensationalists hold the view that the church does not fulfill any of...