Anticipating the Return of Christ

Devotional Articles • Books • And More

Dispensationalism Part 10

This is our last post in the series on dispensationalism. Much of dispensationalism is built on twisting the plain reading of Scripture as well as taking Scripture out of context. Our post today focuses on one chapter in the Bible to highlight how dispensationalism...

Dispensationalism Part 9

Now we turn our attention to Romans 11:26, in which Paul seems to prophesy the ultimate salvation of “all Israel.” What is Paul really getting at? No one verse in Romans can be used to develop doctrine or theology. Isolating one verse in Romans will almost certainly...

Dispensationalism Part 8

Now we come to the point when we can discuss the relationship between dispensationalism and current events. One of the most fundamental underpinnings of dispensationalism is the disconnection of the Old Testament from the New Testament such that Israel and the church...

Dispensationalism Part 7

We now turn our attention to how we should approach Revelation. There is not time or space here to discuss every detail. However, I believe it was William Barclay who wrote in his commentary on Revelation that John was deeply immersed in the Old Testament when he...

Dispensationalism Part 6

The origin of today’s teaching on rapture is a perverted reading in the Biblical book of Daniel at 9:24-27. It is, in short, a refusal to accept a literal consecutive seventy time periods, all the while insisting upon literal interpretations elsewhere in Scripture....

Dispensationalism Part 5

Part of the dispensationalist literal view of Israel parallel to the church is a concept known as replacement theology. Replacement theology was created as a negative connotation against mainstream theology because the understanding for centuries has been that Israel...