Study on Ephesians, Part 4
In Ephesians 1:7-12, Christ and the cross are in view. Because Paul introduces Christ and the cross early in Ephesians, we must understand that Christ is central to the whole book. We can confirm the interpretation of “us” as intending to include all people with...
Study on Ephesians, Part 3
To whom is Paul principally speaking through Ephesians? While the letter was written to the church at Ephesus, the letter holds timeless truths which we can all use to grow into holiness and the imitation of Christ. Specifically, in Ephesisians 1:3-6, how we define...
Thoughts on Hurricane Helene’s Devastation
We live in Western North Carolina which experienced a significant amount of devastation from Hurricane Helene. Although our home and immediate area is fine, the devastation around us is traumatizing. I lived for 23 years in South Florida, and during that time, we went...
Study on Ephesians, Part 2
Before we continue, we should focus more on living in subjection to Christ. Today’s church, particularly in the United States, is in trouble. Attendance is declining, the church’s influence is declining, and our cultures and communities are increasingly becoming...
Study on Ephesians, Part 1
The key verse in Ephesians is found in chapter 1, verse 22. The overarching theme to Paul’s letter to Ephesus is subjection. The fruit of subjection is blamelessness, which Paul references in chapter 1, verse 4, and chapter 5, verse 27. Blamelessness is a theme which...
Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus
don’t spend much time on Facebook, mostly because I get in trouble for speaking my mind, and there’s just way too much scuzz on social media. You do know what scuzz is, right? It’s the junk which accumulated in a filter within the air conditioning system of our...
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