Study on Ephesians, Part 10
In chapter 4:17-32, the key verse in this passage is verse 18, in which Paul refers to the “hardness of their heart”, speaking of the Gentiles who have not been awakened to Christ. The key to Ephesians as a book is chapter 1, verse 22, in which Paul instructs us that...
Study on Ephesians, Part 9
Chapter 4 continues the same exhortation as chapter 3, namely, equipping of believers and building up the body of Christ until we attain to the fullness of Christ. We will be looking today at Ephesians 4:1-16. There are two interconnected teachings in this section of...
Study on Ephesians, Part 8
In chapter 3 Ephesians, the focal point is knowing Christ and Christ dwelling in us (vv16-19). Paul first explains that God revealed Himself through revelation (vv9-10). The very purpose of God’s revelation to humanity is so that we may know Christ and that Christ may...
Study on Ephesians, Part 7
In Ephesians 2:10, God created human kind to glorify Himself and to work in His kingdom. Sin marred the original purpose for human kind and separated us from God. Still, the effects of sin do not cancel out God’s design for human kind. We are created for good works....
Study on Ephesians, Part 6
Do the verses at Ephesians 2:8-9 mean that we have no role to play in our salvation before God? Is any responsibility on our side considered works? Or do the verses simply mean we cannot earn or obtain salvation on our own but do still have some responsibility in...
Study on Ephesians, Part 5
In chapter 2, verse 1 may also read, “You being dead by reason of your trespasses and sins.” Some will say that Christ believes for us because a dead person cannot do anything. Thus, they will say that Christ both draws us and responds for us because we were dead...
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