Anticipating the Return of Christ

Devotional Articles • Books • And More

Why Did You Doubt?

Scripture reading: Matthew 14:24-31 This passage of Scripture offers a valuable lesson on faith. It is a comforting passing because we see that Jesus has the power to calm the storms of life and has command over the impossible. On the other hand, it is a hard passage...

The Happy Christian

If you asked anyone whether it was better to be happy or sad/grumpy, most people if not all would say “happy.” Should we, then, pursue happiness as our goal? How do we know if we truly are happy? What does it mean or look like to be happy? Can we be happy all the...

Handling Toxic People

Scripture reading: Malachi 2:16, Luke 6:27-35 The selection of Scripture readings is not intended to be oxymoronic or sarcastic. “For I hate divorce … love your enemies.” Read on, and you will understand why the two readings were selected. In Luke 6 we have, if ever...